How A Race Night Works!!NEW - Easy Tote System - available here - NEW!! A race night is a fantastic way to raise funds for your club,
There are a few things that you need to do to make your race night a success. It depends upon your objectives for the race night, but most fund raising race night events are run to make the most money. For tips on making the most money please see our how to make the most money tips. This gives tips for making money before and during the race night. There are several jobs that will need to be done before and during the race night. Before your race night you will need to organise the following. Race Night Promotions Manager - Someone to put up race night posters, speak with local companies to get prizes and sponsorship for the race night. Sell the advanced race night programmes. Race Night Event Manager - Someone to sort out the venue for the race night, Master of ceremonies and projector. During the race night you will need the following. A Race Night Master of Ceremonies - You can hire an MC but the local character of the club can usually do a good job and this will help the race night run at a profit. Race Night Tote Ticket Sellers - These are the people who take the race night wagers. As our race night betting uses real betting slips, just like the real thing, it's very quick to operate and it means that any tote seller can take any race night wager. Race Night Tote Ticket Payout - This is the person who is responsible for paying out the race night winners. Depending upon the size of your race night this can be covered by the seller. Projectionist - Someone to be in charge of the displaying of the race night films and the sound system. Race Night Support Staff - People to help generally on the day of the race night. There may also be a requirement for bar staff, catering staff, doorman, someone to sell race night programmes, raffle tickets and cleaners! As an organisation, you decide on the size of each race night bet. This can be anything you like but we recommend either 50p or £1.00. You then decide how much of the race night tote the charity will retain for their funds - we recommend between 40% and 60%. Once you have made all of these decisions, you need to open the race night tote for the first race. Punters may place as many bets on as many horses as they wish in the following race. When all bets have been placed the race night tote is closed. This is to comply with the current legislation. Once the race night tote is closed the race is selected and displayed. We supply payout tabulators that make the working out of the race night payout very easy. That's about it! Just repeat the above for all of your race night races and enjoy the evening!
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