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Virtual Compere - NEW!!

Following client demand, we have now developed a Virtual Compere for your racenight fundraising event.

No longer do you need to worry about who will stand up and keep your race goers entertained.  No longer do you need to press gang someone into running the event for you - with just a few simple clicks of your DVD remote you too can run a professional racenight and there is no need to stand up in front of anyone.

Our virtual host will do all of that for you!!

Just imagine all of the stress you have had to go through already in getting the event running.  Now you have to the most stressful thing you may ever have to do in your career and that is stand up in front of a room full of people and tell them about the event and what's happening!!

They may be your friends but just think about how worried you would feel getting up on the stage in front of everyone and trying to get their attention so that you can kick the event off.  What happens if you forget what you are going to say?  What if they all start laughing at you? What if you make a complete cock-up of it?!

If you do these sorts of event all of the time you get to take these things in your stride....you get use to it ..it's your job.

Well our Virtual Compere takes away all of this worry and concern.   If you can click a DVD select button then you can run a great race night and never have to say a word.  All you have to do is take the applause at the end of the night when the Compere asks the audience to give the organiser a big round of applause  for such a great event.  All you would have had to do is press a few DVD remote buttons and that's it!  So you too can enjoy your racenight.

So what does our Virtual Compere do for you? 

  • Well first of all, he will get everyone's attention and set the tone of the evening and that everyone needs to dig deep as you are raising funds for your good cause.
  • Then he introduces the introduction film which shows everyone how to place their bets.
  • That's the first bit of the evening over and we are off and running so then we move into the races.  You hit the button and the Compere brings everyone to order and runs through the first race giving a detailed description of the form for each horse and where he has put his money!!
  • Each of our Virtual Compere Racenights comes with a complimentary Quiz night which you can use as a real quiz night or just for fun.  This fills in the awkward time between each race while the bets are being placed and the drinks are being bought from the bar.
  • You then select the one minute countdown timer to close the tote.  The Compere lets everyone know there is just one minute until the next race is run, giving a clear countdown timer.  Also it lets everyone know that the tote is closed and that you need to ask someone to select the next race.
  • The race is run.
  • The whole process then starts again with the Compere giving a clear description and form guide to the next race.
  • Other things that the Compere will do for you is give a clear announcement when the food is available so that everybody knows.
  • The Compere will also give a 'Last Race' announcement so that everyone knows it's their last opportunity to place a bet and clear up on the Tote!  He also encourages everyone to dig deep and reminds everybody that this is all to raise money for your charity.
  • Once the final race has been run, you just click another button and the Compere will let you know that your event is over, thank all the organisers and staff and wish everyone a safe journey home!

This is everything a regular Compere would do on the night but all done virtually so you don't have too!  Just imagine how good it will feel having run a really successful event and not had to stand up in front of all those people with a microphone in your hand telling them all the above.  It means that you can enjoy the racenight too as one of the punters.

All this is available for just £27.95 in addition to your standard race night package.  We usually charge £275 for a Compere so this represents excellent value for money.

  • No need for you to stand up in front of your punters
  • No worry or stress about saying the right thing
  • No worry or stress about creating your script for the night
  • Free quiz night included in the package
  • All the announcements you need to run a racenight successfully.
  • Make your racenight run smoothly

Order this exclusive live Virtual Compere for your event NOW! - Click here




Today - Thursday, 27-March-2025       

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